A male deer is called a buck or a stag; a female deer is usually called a doe, while a baby deer is called a fawn. But if you have a pet deer or you are a deer hunter who has been chasing a deer for several months, wouldn’t it be fun to give the deer a name?
So, how do you choose the best name for a deer?
What are some of the cute and funny deer names? There are many cute names for deer; among them are Beauty, Big Guy, Big Buckwheat, Buttercup, Casper, Freckles, Hollywood, and Precious. On the other hand, some funny deer names are Dot Com, Flame Thrower, Mr. Crabs, Old Timer, Patches, Rambler, and Yardstick.
If you name a deer, you don’t want it to be just cute and funny. You also want it to be unique, easy to remember and fit the animal’s behavior. Thinking of a name for a deer is exciting but can also be challenging.
To help you out, this article has very useful tips and some important facts about deer and their babies.
Table of Contents
How Do You Name a Deer?

Naming a deer is somehow the same as naming your pet dog or cat. The main difference is that a deer will always be a wild animal, no matter how adorable and friendly it is. Therefore, the deer’s name should be interesting and somehow intriguing. Here are some factors to consider before choosing a name for a deer:
1. The Story Behind the Name
Every pet or favorite animal that you have or met has a story. If you found the deer wounded and it has recovered, think of a name of a familiar character with the same story. You can also use related words such as “Miracle” or “Hope.” This way, your friends will be excited to hear the story behind the deer’s name.
2. Use Names With One or Two Syllables
Names with more than two syllables are hard to pronounce and will also take time to call the attention of the deer. Just like dogs, deer also respond to calls, especially when the animals become familiar with them. Therefore, you should choose a short name with only one or two syllables, such as “Buddy.”
3. Don’t Use an Offensive Name
Animals don’t understand the meaning of their name, but it doesn’t mean you can give them names that can offend people or make them feel uncomfortable. You don’t want a deer named “Bin Laden” or “Hitler,” do you? You should also avoid naming a deer “Attack” or “Stupid,” especially if you have small children around.
4. Don’t Name After a Friend or Relative
Naming a deer after a friend or relative may sound funny at first, but actually, it’s also offensive. Imagine telling a story to your Uncle Ben about a deer you named after him and that deer that attacked his young son. What do you think your uncle would feel? After all, you also don’t want a monkey to be named after you.
5. Don’t Add a Number
Adding the date when you found the deer or when it was born sounds more like a password. Also, avoid adding a number that can be temporary, such as ‘Big 10.’ But if you own a deer farm, you may add a number to the name if you have a new deer that looks the same as your existing ones, like ‘Second’ or ‘Thirdy’.
Best Deer Names
Below is a long list of the best deer names you can choose from:
Male Deer Names

- Actaeon
- Ayalon
- Beamer
- Bob
- Bruiser
- Chip
- Darby
- Darton
- Derland
- Eddie
- Hershey
- Holyfield
- Homeboy
- Ivan
- Jack
- Jude
- Junior
- Lucky
- Monarch
- Prince
- Renton
- Renwick
- Roe
- Rogue
- Rambo
- Rocker
- Rocky
- Roscoe
- Rowell
- Rudolph
- Thor
- Tyrone
- Whitey
- Whopper
- Zeus
Female Deer Names

- Alma
- Daisy
- Daliah
- Elain
- Fauna
- Gabriella
- Grace
- Isabella
- Jane
- Lily
- Lizzy
- Lucy
- Mary
- May
- Neena
- Pretty
- Prima
- Quennie
- Rose
- Samara
- Sarah
- Selene
- Tabby
- Tabitha
- Thalia
- Wendy
- Willow
Unisex Deer Names
- Blade Runner
- Boomerang
- Booner
- Bridger
- Bruiser
- Bucktober
- Buckzilla
- Bullwinkle
- Buster
- Crab
- Dagger
- Dozer
- Dreamer
- Droopy
- El Diablo
- Empire
- Fanner
- Flyboy
- Forky
- Frank the Tank
- Funkmaster
- Funky Buck
- Gargantuan
- Ghost
- Goliath
- Highboy
- Hightower
- Kicker
- Lotto
- MacDaddy
- Maxbo
- Monarch
- Moos
- Nightwalker
- Ninja
- October
- Poncho
- Rogue
- Rohan
- Sticky
- Stubby
- Tank
- Tex
- Umber
- Whitey
Baby Deer Names

- Abie
- Buttercup
- Cainy
- Casper
- Fawna
- Freckles
- Goody
- Gracie
- Hope
- Ivan
- Ivanova
- Jane Doe
- Joise
- Love
- Lucky
- Mary
- Miracle
- Precious
- Promise
- Sara
- Snowy
- Stormy
Cute Names for a Deer

- Bambi
- Beauty
- Blessed
- Big Buckwheat
- Big Guy
- Big Pine
- Bigfoot
- Blessed
- Buttercup
- Captain
- Casper
- Cainy
- Crown
- Dancer
- Dozer
- Droopy
- Faith
- Freckles
- Goodiva
- Goodness
- Goody
- Gracie
- Hollywood
- Isabella
- Ivan
- Ivana
- Ivandoe
- Ivanette
- Ivanlee
- Ivanova
- Ivey
- Kansas
- Lefty
- Limpy
- Lucky
- Mary
- Milagro
- Moby
- Navi
- Peace
- Precious
- Promise
- Raindrop
- Rainy
- Saved
- Serendipity
- Serenity
- Shipwreck
- Shredder
- Shrek
- Skivan
- Snow Goddess
- Snowvana
- Snowy
- Speckles
- Stormy
- Sunshine
- Uncle Buck
- Velvet
- Wonder
- Yankee
- Zoe
Funny Names for Pet Deer

- Big Nasty
- Brutus
- Bulldozer
- Buster
- Captain Hook
- Corkscrew
- Dasher
- Don King
- Dot Com
- Flame Thrower
- Flipside
- Holyfield
- Houdini
- Hurricane
- John Deere
- Junkyard
- King Kong
- Lucifer
- Maximus
- Megatron
- Miyagi
- Mr. Crabs
- Old Timer
- Outlaw
- Patches
- Powerball
- Rambler
- Scrape Raker
- Shaq
- Sidekick
- Sidewinder
- Skinny
- Smokeshow
- Splitter
- Windy
- Yardstick
Famous Deer Names

- Aunt Ena
- Buff
- Comet
- Dancer
- Dasher
- Didi
- Faline
- Geno
- Gurri
- Holly
- Max
- Melvin
- Mena
- Robbie the Reindeer
- Ronno
- Sven
- Thrasher
Names That Mean Deer
Generally speaking, deer are friendly, calm, and gentle animals. No wonder there are some people with names that are related to deer. If you are thinking of a name for a deer, here are some of the names that mean dear and their origin:
Boys Names That Mean Deer
- Ayal – A Hebrew word for ‘deer.’
- Buck – An English word for ‘male deer.’
- Buckley – An English-origin word for ‘deer meadow.’
- Buckminster – An English-origin term for ‘a monastery where deer dwell.’
- Daimhin – An Old Gaelic-origin word for ‘little stag.’
- Darton – An English-origin word for ‘settlement of deer.’
- Dearborn – An English-origin word for ‘brook of deer.’
- Derby – An English-origin word for ‘park with deer.’
- Devin – An Irish surname that became a first name, which means ‘young deer.’
- Dren – An Albanian-origin word for ‘deer.’
- Epher – Another Hebrew name for ‘gazelle’ or calf.’
- Hershel – A Yiddish name for ‘deer.’
- Hirsh – A Yiddish-origin term for ‘deer.’
- Hjortur – An Icelandic -origin word for ‘stag.’
- Lockhart – An English-origin term for ‘deer from the forest.’
- Oisin – ‘Os’ is an English-origin term for ‘deer.’
- Oscar – An Irish-origin term for ‘deer lover.’
- Rayburn – An English-origin term for ‘Roe deer brook.’
- Renton – An English-origin term for ‘settlement of the roe deer.’
- Renwick – An English-origin term for ‘roe deer village.’
- Rowell – An English-origin term for ‘roe deer well.’
- Shenandoah – An Iroquois-origin word for ‘deer.’
Girls Names That Mean Deer
- Afra – A Hebrew word for ‘young deer.’
- Ayala – A Hebrew word for ‘female deer.’
- Ayelet – A Hebrew word for ‘morning sun’ and ‘deer.’
- Doe – An English-origin term for ‘female ‘deer.’
- Dyani – A Native American word for ‘deer.’
- Elaine – A Welsh word for ‘baby deer.’
- Eniko – A Hungarian word for ‘cow’ or ‘deer.’
- Fawn – An English-origin term for ‘baby deer.’
- Gazelle – An English-origin literal word for ‘deer.’
- Hinda – A Hebrew word for ‘female ‘deer.’
- Jelena – A Serbian-origin word for ‘deer.’
- Maral – An Armenian name for ‘deer.’
- Ophrah – A Hebrew word for ‘baby deer.’
- Xiamara – An Aramaic -origin term for ‘deer.’
- Zibiah – A Hebrew word for ‘female gazelle.’
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Deer Good Pets?
Deer are not good pets. First of all, owning and keeping a deer as a pet is illegal in most US states unless approved by the local wildlife department.
Second, deer are wild animals, and they belong to their natural habitat. Although these ruminant mammals can be tamed, adult deer may still attack humans.
Similarly, feeding deer is also not recommended because they may lose their survival instincts and natural fear of humans.
Once these wild animals start to depend on humans, they will demand more attention and become aggressive if they don’t get what they want. This is their natural behavior.
Can Deer Be Domesticated?
Deer can be domesticated but only in very rare instances. One of them is the famous Dillie the Deer, who was born blind on a deer farm and was abandoned by her mother.
However, it does not necessarily mean you should do the same. Aside from being illegal in most US states, deer can also be dangerous.
Generally speaking, deer can be human-friendly, especially if a human has raised them since birth. But once a male deer becomes mature, it can be aggressive to humans, especially during mating season.
On the other hand, an adult female deer can be violent to her caretaker while protecting her young.
Is It Bad to Touch a Baby Deer?
It is bad to touch a baby deer or even get near to it if the animal is alone. Fawns are usually born without a scent and have white camouflage spots to help them hide from predators such as bobcats, cougars, and coyotes.
This is also why most mother deer consume the droppings and urine of their young.
Mother deer usually leave their babies while they forage for food. In general, fawns are afraid of humans. So if you spot a baby deer, avoid coming closer to the animal.
Otherwise, the fawn will run away and will be more susceptible to predators. Once the mother comes back, she may no longer find her young.
What Happens if You Touch a Baby Deer?
If you touch a baby deer in the wild, your scent will remain on its body and may attract predators. The more you touch a fawn, the higher the chance it can attract predators.
This is why you should not touch a fawn unless necessary. But contrary to urban myth, the mother will not abandon her baby if you touch it.
If you find a wounded fawn alone in the wild and you want to rescue it, you should immediately contact your local animal control department. If holding it at once is necessary, wear gloves and get a towel (or clothing) and rub it to the ground.
Then, wipe the towel to the body of the fawn to remove your scent.
What Diseases Do Deer Carry?
Another major reason why you should not keep deer as pets is that they carry some zoonotic diseases. These serious illnesses can be transmitted to humans through oral ingestion or inhalation of aerosolized fluids, contact with contaminated materials, and direct contact with an infected deer. Here are some of them:
1. Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. This infectious disease is common to rodents and domestic animals such as cattle.
Although transmission from wild animals to humans is very rare, domesticated deer can get infected and may transmit this disease to their owners.
2. Campylobacteriosis
Campylobacteriosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Campylobacter bacteria and can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, headache, and vomiting. Death from this disease is rare, but small children and older adults are the most infected.
It is also common to domestic animals such as cattle, poultry, pigs, dogs, and cats.
3. Q Fever
Q fever is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Coxiella burnetii, which affects cattle, deer, goats, and sheep. This is also usually associated with abortion in pregnant humans and animals.
A 2011 study has confirmed that a Q fever epidemic in the Netherlands occurred in roe deer and has infected humans.
4. Salmonellosis
Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease transmitted to humans by eating foods that were contaminated with animal feces. Among its symptoms include stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, chills, and fever.
Meanwhile, a 2005 study revealed that Salmonella is also found in goats, cattle, sheep, and white-tailed deer.
Note: Other zoonotic diseases that deer carry and transmit to humans are Chlamydiosis, Cryptosporidiosis, and Giardiasis. All of them can cause vomiting, severe abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea to animals and humans. Nevertheless, some infected animals and humans may not show any symptoms.
Choosing the right name for a deer is very important because it will be the animal’s identity. But aside from the name, you should treat them properly if you truly care for them. Keeping a domesticated deer is very difficult, so if you don’t have enough resources, let them live in the wild where they really belong.
List of Sources
Rijks, J., et al. (2011). Coxiella Burnetii Infection in Roe Deer During Q Fever Epidemic, the Netherlands. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Keeping Deer Wild in Virginia. Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources.
Zoonoses Associated With Deer. Washington State University.
Leptospirosis. Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Causes and Symptoms of Salmonellosis. (2019). Minnesota Department of Health.